All this thought and not once did you mention the fact we live in slavery. We have been programmed out of own needs by the education system that said we must compete to achieve at working for others.
What a success the Prussian Education system has been for the wealthy. It has us all competing to be the best slaves. Which has decreased our value and destroyed the world at the same time.
I am very neurodivergent. I do not have disability I actually have higher ability. But people are so programmed they can't see the difference.
I have been aware of our captivity since I was 5. I have been waiting for other people to realize it too. Instead they all keep coming up with stupid ways to say I need to fix myself. I have this syndrome or that one.
You have nothing wrong with you. You have been manipulated by a system of psychopaths. The sooner we wake up to this reality and fix it the more likely we will have a chance at surviving.