I have a cure. It is to roll back the oppression of our somatic intelligence and allow us our full intelligence again.
We have our intelligence separated in our systsms. But mine could not be, because I am a savant. It is agony being in our systems for me. But as soon as I was free I healed.
I went back to my full intelligence. We are supposed to be using our intelligences as one. Not just cognitive. We have body or somatic intelligence too. When we use them both we find our natural intelligence.
I won't go into why our system do this. It is not a good reason. But it has destroyed the big picture thinkers most of all. We need them now to navigate the change coming. But we have broken them. I am trying to fix them. Because I am one of them and this what I know I am supposed to do. I have a podcast about if you want to know more.