My first two emotions are neither fear or courage. My number one is frustration. My second is anger. My third is fear but it is a distant third. Fear occurs in the body and brain level. Although I think some might call it anxiety when feeling it just at the brain level.
I have 4 different types of anxiety and one is definitely fear driven.
My emotions are extreme compared to others. As is my ability to use and interpret them.
Mine show me the big picture. I have this as a talent due to very high sensitivity and a specific trauma as an infant.
If you have NOT learned to use your emotions and the inputs they provide then fear would make sense. Mine is frustration because I can see solutions and others are so paralyzed by their fear they do nothing or contribute to the issues. Because they are not in touch with their full intellect.
As a species we allow some much stupid shit to happen that could have stopped, changed, etc.
This is a result of the focus on the cognitive and the present. The cognitive intelligence is only the here and now intelligence. The emotions driven intelligence is focused on the past and future. It's helps is mental model using the I outs of the past and present to model the future. This is what drives the highest levels of giftedness.
If we want to heal and navigate and heal again from what is already here we are going to have to understand and use our full intelligence.