The Destruction of Creative Genius Through Forced Education.
In our current educational system, creativity, which is the unified expression of our somatic and cognitive intelligence, is consistently suppressed and undervalued. This denial of our full intelligence in schools is not only limiting our individual potential but also robbing society of the innovation and progress that are need to address the future change we are facing.
One of the most egregious ways in which schools deny our full intelligence is through the prioritization of standardized testing and rote memorization over creative exploration and problem-solving. Students are taught to regurgitate information and to conform to narrow metrics of success, rather than being encouraged to think critically, to question assumptions, and to generate original ideas. In doing so we actively teach out of being able to apply or manipulate the data originally.
This emphasis on cognitive performance at the expense of creative expression sends a clear message to students: that their bodily wisdom, their intuitive insights, and their unique perspectives are not valued or relevant in the pursuit of knowledge. They learn to disconnect from their somatic intelligence, to ignore the subtle cues and sensations that could guide them towards innovative solutions and deeper understanding.
Moreover, the rigid structure and scheduling of most school environments leave little room for the kind of free-form exploration and play that is essential to the development of creativity. Students are expected to sit still for long hours, to move and speak only when permitted, and to adhere to strict timetables and curricula. This constraining of physical freedom and autonomy further disconnects them from their embodied cognition and reinforces the message that their full intelligence is not welcome in the classroom.
Another way in which schools suppress creativity is through the “cognitization” of the arts and other forms of creative expression. This destroys the ability of the most somatically intelligent students to connect with their favorite subjects. Treating the arts as frivolous extras, relegated to the sidelines of the educational experience, ensures that innovative thinking is never introduced. This devaluing of creative pursuits has become so extreme that we no longer even teach the creative process. This sends a clear signal to students that their imaginative capacities, emotional intelligence, and ability to think beyond the confines of the traditional curriculum are not important.
This suppression of creativity in education has far-reaching consequences. It does and has produced generations of individuals who are disconnected from their full intelligence, who are unable to tap into the rich reservoir of wisdom and insight that lies within their bodies and minds. It stifles innovation and progress, as students learn to conform to established norms and ways of thinking, rather than being encouraged to challenge the status quo and generate new ideas.
If we truly want to unlock the full potential of human intelligence and creativity, we must radically transform our educational system. We need to create learning environments that value and nurture the unified expression of somatic and cognitive intelligence, provide opportunities for free-form exploration and play, and prioritize the development of original thinking and problem-solving skills.
A radical transformation is necessary because so much damage has already been perpetuated against our holistic comprehension of the world. Our children need greater physical freedom and autonomy to reconnect with their innate ability to learn and grow. We are entering an era where we can’t be sure our current systems will even survive. To prepare them, we should be immersing them in change and teaching them how to explore, navigate, and create to meet challenges as they arise.
Ultimately, the goal of education should be to cultivate fully realized human beings, individuals who are able to tap into their full intelligence and creativity, and who are empowered to use these capacities to make meaningful contributions to the world. By recognizing and resisting the suppression of creativity in our schools, we can take an important step towards this goal and unlock the vast potential that lies within us all.