The Future Belongs To The C Student

Lillian Skinner
4 min readJun 17, 2024
The Most Creative Students Are C Students.

In a world fixated on grades and test scores, we have long equated academic achievement with success. We celebrate the straight-A students, the valedictorians, and the Ivy League graduates, believing that their cognitive prowess will inevitably lead to prosperity and innovation. However, as we navigate an era of unprecedented complexity and rapid change, it is becoming increasingly clear that the future belongs not to the academic elite, but to the C students — those who possess the creative intelligence to adapt, innovate, and thrive in the face of uncertainty.

The emphasis on academic performance has created a narrow definition of intelligence, one that privileges cognitive abilities above all else. Our educational systems are designed to reward students who excel at memorization, calculation, and analytical thinking, while often neglecting the development of emotional intelligence, creativity, and somatic wisdom. This imbalance has far-reaching consequences, as we churn out graduates who are intellectually proficient but often ill-equipped to navigate the challenges of the real world. As Sir Ken Robinson argues in his popular TED Talk, “Do schools kill creativity?” (Robinson, 2006), our current educational system stifles creativity and calls for a more personalized, diverse approach to learning.



Lillian Skinner

Creative Intelligence Researcher, Savant, Prodigy, 2e, & Somatic Intelligence Expert, Philosopher, Futurist, System Thinker, Equality Advocate