The reason we don't heal is not our fault. It is our system that keeps us broken.
We are captive in our systems and it prevents us from healing. Once you have been traumatized you are aware that (in our systems) you are not free, this is PTSD.
Yet you must live in a system that keeps bringing up reminders that you are captive and have no ability to leave, cptsd.
Our systems prevent our healing with captivity. But even before that occurs is does something to break our natural ability to heal. It does this in public/religious school.
Our natural state is integrated intelligence: somatic and cogntive connected.
That is what we are born with and maintain until our education systems force us into our cognitive, mostly. They separate the two intellectual states, destroying our bidirectional learning between body and mind.
Unless you are a savant. Which I am. They can't break me.
I heal because my brain will always go back to the integrated state.
I heal because my sensitivity is so high it tells me the issues. Because I maintain my bidirectional learning. Knowing, clearly, forces me to a place of healthy.
This is how we all function from birth until we enter school.
I went into creative intelligence because AI will make it so we need our somatic more than our cognitive.
I even identified and defined a new cognition called infracognition to explains bidirectional learning.
Infracognition is the somatic mirror of our metacognition. It is our thinking about feelings. My feelings/emotions are very clear. My emotions give more data than my metacognition. My metacognition is the lesser intelligence. This is how wild animals function. This is humanity's natural state. This is how we learn immersively. I can learn cognitivly too. According to our systems I have a form of genius.
Before AI, I was labeled with all the disabilities even though I have NO deficiencies. I exist in system 1 thinking and use systems 2 as needed. Many people with ADHD do are system 1 thinkers.
Here is how we heal in naturally. Our somatic opens up and our cognitive (shuts down, almost ) sends most of its resource to somatic.
This is because it is trying to collect data from our surroundings to inform us of what, where, when, why.
Our subconscious makes the patterns and sends them up to the cogntive to understand and never do that again.
But our system does not want us aware of our surroundings. Because then we would know that we captive.
The ancient Egyptians were the first to figure this out. Hence the pyramids. This is how we make and break large societies.
We separate the emotions and intellect. Except in the ruling class. Ever wonder why idiots like Ted Cruz are so confident. There you go.
The masse are enslaved. The sooner we see that the sooner we can make the change to really heal.