Why do we not know there are many kinds of intelligence and we have two main ones somatic and cognitive. This is the devil/angel on your shoulders in cartoons represent this. Our culture massively repressed the somatic and it is very destructive to our psyche but our psychology is based on cartesian dualism that seperated our intelligences so we are are better slaves.
In healthy cultures people recognize unified intelligence. Western culture purposely seperate them in education. The most creative/sensitive you are the more they need to be unified. Unfication ia the mind, body, spirit that Socrates spoke of.
The unified brain is found in savants in western culture. But our focus on average has probably made the whole culture ill because average is not the smartest or most sensitive they are just the most easy to condition. 1/3 of the population having an internal dialogue means only 1/3 are still in touch with their somatic intelligence. Which seems about right to me