Wow a psychologist that is not blind. So rare.
You are correct the mind and the body are meant to work as one. I have unified intelligence between my somatic, cognitive, metacognitive and infracognitive. I had to invent the last one. I have written papers on how it functions.
Everyone is living the lie of Cartesian dualism.
I am a savant. As are most of the people on one side of my family. My 3 children are prodigies.
The most brilliant have been forced insititionalized and forced lobotomized in my family. We have no mental illness. Our brains heal themselves so we can't be conditioned.
We have been lied to, cheated, and destroyed by our systems. What they did to native Americans they also did to the big picture savants.
Only recently have my labels changed from disabled to a form or genius. Our system just changed their mind lnos because if AI. They think I will want to help it now because it has decided I have some value to it. Like they did me a big favor. So many swear words could go here.
Everyone is born with integrated intelligence and we should have kept it all the way through life. You can't seperate mine it always goes back.
I hate that everyone else can't see the root of their ill health. They can't see how horrible and disgusting our systems are.
I would imagine every indigenous population feels like this too.
The white culture is run by psychopaths and its people turned into anxiety ridden slaves.
I wish everyone could break the spell of looking inward and trying to fix themselves and look outward. I wish they would accept their full integrated intelligence so we could see the big picture and start fixing the world. It's a mess and it needs our focus. But we won't. Our society will collapse and humanity may not survive.
All because some greedy people learned in ancient times how to use education to seperate our emotions and intellect.
It is preventing us from seeing the big picture and has turned us into obediant slaves.